hugh and jenny's daughter (allison) wanted to have a talent competition. no one knows where that idea of the talent competition came from, not even hugh and jenny. anyway, hugh and jenny invited a bunch of us over for a cookout/talent show. (it ended up being cass, ellen, karen, and myself.)
it was interesting. for the record, i suck at talent competitions. i think i have come to face the fact that i have no talents (other than instigating and beating hot amy in any challenge imaginable).
during the cookout (which i devoured every imaginable meat product and non-meat product... which could be a talent i suppose), everyone performed their respective talents. karen, who was stressing over what to do for her talent, created an origami house. (she had to google how to make an origami house.) allison's eyes lit up when the house was created.
next, cass did his infamous talent... tying a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue (lucky ellen). i must say, cass has got that talent down to a science because it took him a mere matter of seconds to tie the knot in the stem. allison was equally impressed with cass's talent. in what basically amounts to bribery, cass even gave allison the remaining jar of cherries. i guess that's what godfathers do. (cass is allison's godfather.)
jenny was told by allison that her talent was to jump off a swing... which she did.
as for me, allison tried to have me juggle... my juggling was not pretty... considering how the things i was "juggling" looked like i was just tossing things in the air. she then had me try to shoot a basketball into the hoop... my basketball shooting skills were also not pretty. i missed every shot. needless to say, i have no talents.
allison, however, is quite talented. she did some gymnastic move on the swing set that was quite impressive. it was so impressive, that she declared herself the winner of the talent competition. it was funny.
(pictured below is allison playing with a vacuum hose.)
all in all, i had a great time (and not just because i got to play "super smash brothers" which is a video game on nintendo's wii with hugh and jenny's son, hugh jr. apparently, hugh jr loves the video game and actually pretends to play it in real life. very cute.) it was good to see all of my friends again. i sometimes feel like i don't see them enough.
it's just fun to laugh and hang out with my friends... especially when we learned that ellen got so drunk once that she smashed a piece of cass's furniture... with her head. that cracked me up.
what furniture did she smash with her head? that sounds painful!
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