Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Suck At Buffy And Angel

Last night, Karen and I hung out with my friends (Marc and Kelley). When we arrived, Kelley had on a green t-shirt with the Green Lantern insignia on her chest. The geek that I am, I thought the t-shirt was pretty neat. I also thought it was pretty comical because it reminded me of the television show, "The Big Bang Theory".

For anyone curious, Kelley... like the character Sheldon on "The Big Bang Theory"... is a scientist. And it so happens that Sheldon wears a Green Lantern t-shirt. Scientists are a funny group of people. (And in case people are wondering, if I were to wear a character's insignia from DC Comics... it would be the Flash. Asians look good in red. Just kidding.)

Anyway, Marc was gracious enough to make dinner for all of last night. He had a new recipe and wanted to try it out. As usual, the meal was delicious. I don't think there has been anything that Marc (or Kelley) have made that I have not liked.

Regardless, on the agenda for the night were episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Now, I suck at Buffy and Angel. The episodes of Buffy that we watched were: "Intervention", where Buffy goes for her vision quest while Spike has some fun with a robotic Buffy; and "Tough Love" where Willow and Tara get into their first fight, only to have Glory suck Tara's mind.

As for Angel, the episodes we watched were: "Epiphany" about Angel... having an epiphany about his past actions; and "Disharmony" about Cordelia's friend, Harmony, coming to town for a visit;

We are so close to finishing the fifth and second season of each series respectively. It's amazing how quickly we are going through the episodes. Sadly, all good shows must come to an end.

Anyway, as usual I had a great time hanging out with Marc and Kelley.