Monday, October 26, 2009

I Suck At Hammering

I suck at hammering.

Today, I did something that I have not done in a very long time: I hit my finger with a hammer. Obviously, it was not on purpose.

After coming home, I was working on installing our second garage door opener. As I was running the wiring for the second garage door opener, I was hammering the staples into the wall. And then... OUCH!

In my haste, the hammer met my finger. So now, the base of my fingernail is black. And my finger is still a little tingly. I absolutely hate that feeling. I don't remember the last time I have hit my finger with a hammer. I know I have done it before... a long time ago. The throbbing of my finger annoys me. Just looking at my finger and seeing the bruise under my fingernail annoys me. Ugh!