Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Suck At Watching Movies

In an effort to mindless waste time so as to not think about the realities of life, I decided to catch up on my movies complements of Netflix. Sure, drugs and booze are probably the easiest way to squander time, but I like to choose movies as my outlet. My body is a temple. Just kidding. Too bad, I suck at watching movies.

To continue my apparent Ryan Reynold man-crush, I decided to watch "Smokin' Aces". For anyone curious, I do not really have a man-crush on Ryan Reynolds. Sure, he has a nice body... and he's good looking guy... and he has a nice body... wait. Just kidding.

(The video below is a trailer for "Smokin' Aces".)

The movie was actually okay. It had quite a bunch of stars in it. In fact, it had three actors from "Lost" in it: Matthew Fox, that guy who plays Richard, and that mercenary guy who killed Ben's daughter. (The movie also had Chris Pine, who would go on to play Kirk in the Star Trek movie.) And that was in addition to Ray Liotta, Andy Garcia, Jeremy Piven, Ben Affleck, Alicia Keys, and Ryan Reynolds. But for all of its star power, the movie was just okay.

From there, I watched "Domino" staring Keira Knightley as real life bounty hunter, Domino Harvey.

(The video below is a trailer for "Domino".)

Unfortunately, this movie was just okay as well. Normally, one might think that a boob shot of Keira Knightley would make this movie awesome. For me, the highlight of the movie came from stars Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering, who play themselves in the movie. (For those who are curious, Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering starred in Beverly Hills 90210.) It was funny to see them playing themselves in such a silly situation. Or maybe I just thought it was funny since I used to watch 90210 before the college years.

Adding to my state of mindless entertainment, I followed "Domino" with "Alien Vs. Predator".

(The video below is a for "Alien Vs. Predator".)

The movie was basically a way to showcase two science fiction villains from other movie franchises, much like the Freddy and Jason movie. All the other characters in the movie just served the purpose of getting killed... also like in Freddy and Jason. Nonetheless, the movie was entertaining.

To end the movie streak on a more serious note, I ended up watching "Kite Runner".

(The vidoe below is the trailer for "Kite Runner".)

"Kite Runner" is the movie based on the book of the same name by Khaled Hosseini. The movie details the life of Amir, an Afghan refugee who fled along with his father during the Soviet invasion (and the subsequent rise of the Taliban).

Truth be told, the movie was just okay. In my opinion, there was not a lot to like about the protagonist (Amir). So even though the events of the story were quite remarkable, I didn't find Amir very identifiable.

All in all, the movies did their job: waste time... which is really all I wanted. So, that's good I guess.