Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Suck At Race To Witch Mountain

Karen and I had a very low key Friday. In fact, we pretty much did things in preparation for Karen's partying at the big Kenny Chesney concert at Foxboro.

We started off at the local CVS where Karen had to pick up some snacks. Interestingly enough, Karen was all smiles because CVS was giving away three 2 liter bottles of Coke with any store purchase. I guess it was a promotion of some sort held by that CVS. Free is good... unless it's a free virus or something like that. No one wants free herpes... at least, I don't think they do. Regardless, Karen and I are now proud owners of three 2 liter bottles.

After CVS, Karen and I prepared meals for her to bring for the concert. Her meal included pasta salad and fruit salad. Not to be forgotten is the fact that we also made dinner for ourselves too. In an effort to use up the zucchini that has been growing in Karen's garden, we ended up making zucchini pie. (Cue Rachael Ray's "Yum-O" sound.) I must say... the zucchini pie was delicious. (And yay to growing vegetables in the garden! Low carbon footprint!)

When everything was done, Karen and I decided to unwind with a movie. That move: Race to Witch Mountain starring Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was once the most electrifying man in sports entertainment (also known as wrestling). Anyway, I suck at Race to Witch Mountain.

(The video below is the trailer for the movie.)

The movie is basically a remake of the old Disney classic: Escape to Witch Mountain. All in all, the movie was good. Most Disney movies are. Disney has a general formula that seems to work. Truth be told, the movie was no "Sugar & Spice", which I happened to see a few days before.

(The video below is the trailer for "Sugar & Spice".)

I have a thing for cheerleader movies. My BFF (Kerry) would probably be quick to point out that I own the collector's edition of "Bring It On", which was a good movie. I don't know what it is about cheerleader movies. The sub-genre of cheerleader movies just crack me up. Perhaps it's my attraction to shiny objects.

Of course, it could also be the fact that I felt robbed of my cheerleader experience growing up. In high school, the cheerleaders were definitely not what you would imagine as the stereotypical cheerleader.

When I think cheerleader, I think hot skinny blondes with attitude. Sadly the only characteristic that my high school cheerleaders had was attitude. (Be aggressive! B-E aggressive!) The cheerleaders I knew were definitely not hot. They were definitely not skinny. And they were definitely not blonde. I heard the rival high school cheerleaders did not fare any better. Perhaps there is something in the drinking water for cheerleaders.

Needless to say, the movies make cheerleaders look so much better... them and their acrobatic flips and their spirit fingers. Sure, they may get a bad reputation for being mean, but they are definitely fun to watch. "Sugar & Spice" was no exception.

The premise of the movie is that a group of cheerleaders plan to rob a bank to help one of their teammates. In order to rob the bank, they watch and learn from the movies. Among the movies they watched were "Point Break", which immediately cracked me up because I had to endure watching that movie so many times one fateful vacation because my friend (Aimee) enjoyed Keanu Reeves so much. So naturally, I thought about Aimee during the movie.

I think at one time, Aimee may have been a cheerleader. I don't remember for certain, but for some reason that thought is in my head as I type this. For that matter, Karen was one too... as was my friend (Hot Amy). Heck, my friend (Meredith) became a cheerleader in college. Interesting.

Needless to say, I got a kick out of "Sugar & Spice". I enjoyed it more that "Race to Witch Mountain"... not that "Race to Witch Mountain" was bad. It was just that "Sugar & Spice" was that much better. Then again, I have a thing for cheerleader movies. Again, it's the shiny object thing.

And truth be told, both movies were far better than "War", which I watched when Karen went to bed.

(The video below is the trailer for "War".)

You would think that a movie about killing Triads and Yakuza would be somewhat entertaining, especially since it stars Jet Li and Jason Statham. Well, don't bother watching the movie. The movie was bad. It was actually the first movie that I rated unsatisfactory in my Netflix queue. That was very disappointing.

Anyway, it was a low key Friday. But it was good to spend some quality time with Karen.

1 comment:

aimee said...

hmph. i may not have been blonde and hot, but i was certainly skinny and cute. and some people would tell you that i had attitude back then, although i would disagree with that. ;)