Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Suck At Firefighting

Today, I would have to agree with my BFF (Kerry) that firefighters are unreliable. It's too bad because at one time, I actually thought about being a firefighter.

Back when I was floundering in college, with no idea and no clue as to what to do with my life after college, I took the ever popular Myers-Brigg personality test. Among the chosen professions that had suited my personality was... a firefighter. (For anyone curious, an actor/writer was another one of the suggested professions.)

Needless to say, I did ponder what it would be like to be a firefighter after college. Thanks to movies and a society that had glorified the profession, I may have had at one time or another, aspirations of doing heroic deeds, saving people (or cats), and possibly dying in a blaze of glory.

I was always big on the dying in a blaze of glory thing, in part because I did not want to grow old, have my body break down, have my mental acumen diminish which I'm sure it will with my awful memory, and all of that. Unfortunately, I ended up doing computer stuff as opposed to firefighting. I guess you could say that I suck at firefighting.

Anyway, what does all of this have to do with today? Well, Karen had a meeting tonight with her Friends of the Library. They are planning ways to raise money to support the library, which is an altruistic endeavor. One thing about Karen: she is definitely more altruistic than I am. Hence, that is why I was not attending the meeting.

Needless to say, as she was leaving for her meeting, she ran into our neighbors. Our neighbors were going for a walk around the neighborhood and smelled smoke. In fact, they could actually see smoke coming from the woods near Jacob's Pond. And it just so happens that our house is next to these woods.

To be safe, Karen immediately called for the firefighters. After all, there are a lot of dead trees in the woods behind our house... and dead wood makes very good fodder for fire. Of course, when all of this was happening, I was busy making corn in the kitchen.

Anyway, when I went outside to join Karen and my other neighbors, we took a little walk down to the pond. It turns out, the fire was caused by a bunch of teenagers. The pond by my house is notorious for teenage drinking. I equate the pond with what was known as "the rock" when I was growing up. Basically, it's a place where kids go to hang out, drink, and party... not necessarily in that order. Of course, when I was growing up, I never went there.

As soon as the fire trucks came down our street, the teenagers fled. In fact, some of them ran into the house right next door to me. How is that for awkward? Another one of my neighbors soon came out to talk with us to see what was going on. So, we walked up to our neighbor's house and filled her in on the details about how we could smell smoke and how the smoke was coming from the woods. All the while, the firefighters went to investigate the cause of the fire.

The next thing we know, the firefighters drove away. Not even a thumbs up to signal that we were okay or anything... or that the fire was smothered and under control. It was a little annoying to be standing there without any answers. I guess the call will make the local paper though... which I'm sure Karen is thrilled about. Karen likes reading our local newspaper, especially the police log.

Anyway, as a sign that I am getting old, I would shake my fist at those young whipper snappers if I saw them again (or if they left the house next door to me). Of course, now after this incident, I'm sure my house has been marked for Halloween. Kids these days.

It's not that I am against teenagers partying and drinking in the woods. They can party to their heart's content. It's when their actions affect others that annoy me... say something like smashing all of the neighbors mailboxes (which is federal offense)... or setting the woods on fire (woods by my house that could potentially set my house on fire). I have been told from my neighbors, some of whom are lifelong residents in the neighborhood, that the teenagers build a fire within this particular tree to keep the mosquitos away. Now call me crazy, but why would anyone think that building a fire within an old tree is a good idea?

It's silly things like which make me think that the youth of today are... well... stupid. It's like the episode of 90210 where Donna runs into the burning woods by herself to save a deer... only to tumble down the hill and sprain her ankle in the process. Stupid idea!

I assumed it was only television. I had no idea that teenagers out there really are stupid. I almost wish that something awful would happen to these teenagers just so that they would understand the consequences of some of things that they do. And with that, I obviously sound like an old fogey.

Needless to say, I'm not liking teenagers right now. Luckily for me, I have been in a bad mood for some time. So there may be some hope for them yet should I ever get out of my funk.