Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Suck At Obsessed

In the past month, I have watched about 18 movies. Needless to say, 18 movies in one month is an insane amount... and an insane waste of hours from my life.

Luckily, I have no life. And probably for my sanity's sake, my Netflix subscription will expire this month, to which I can return to the normal drudgery of my every day life. I guess you could say that I am obsessed with watching movies since joining Netflix.

Speaking of which, I watched "Obsessed" the other day. Now I suck at Obsessed.

(The video below is a trailer for "Obsessed".)

For anyone curious, "Obsessed" is about an obsessed Ali Larter, a temp worker who stalks her boss. Basically, the movie is a watered-down version of "The Temp". Truth be told, having Ali Larter stalking you probably is not be all that bad. In fact, having Ali Larter as a co-worker would not be that bad either. (I know I would definitely work with her. Just kidding.)

Anyway, the movie was okay. I should probably mention that Beyonce was actually okay in the movie as well. Following "Obsessed", I turned to an old indulgence of mine: movies based on comic books. That comic book movie: "Ghost Rider".

(The video below is a trailer for "Ghost Rider".)

"Ghost Rider" is based on the Marvel comic book character Johnny Blaze, who makes a pact with the devil to save his father's life from cancer. As most deals with the devil go, things never work out according to the agreement (because his father dies from a motorcycle accident instead). Nevertheless, Johnny Blaze is doomed to ride around as the Ghost Rider.

Anyway, most movies based on comic books are never that good. "Ghost Rider" was actually not that bad. The movie was not that good, but it was not awful. In fact, I enjoyed the movie much better before Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendes appeared in the movie. (The movie had younger versions of their respective characters earlier in the movie.)

All in all, it was a decent way to pass the time... and that's all I was really looking forward to.

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