Monday, July 27, 2009

I Still Suck At Watching Movies

Since returning from a vacation in the Cape, I have been feeling a little ill. To my knowledge, it is not H1N1 (a.k.a. swine flu). But, I could be mis-SQUEAL-taken. Just kidding. I have just been feeling a little stuffed up... with a slight cough.

Now really, who gets sick in the summer? And who gets sick on vacation? Interestingly enough, I can actually think of one person off the top of my head: my friend (Hot Amy)... because she is always sick. (Feeble constitution.)

Anyway, so what does one do while sick on the weekend? Well, for me, I just happened to watch a few movies. Too bad, I still suck at watching movies.

On Saturday, I happened to watch "Valkyrie" with Karen. "Valkyrie" is a historical movie about the German resistance and plot to kill Adolph Hitler. Valkyrie just happened to be the national emergency plan used should Hitler be assassinated. The plan calls for the use of the reserved army to maintain order (and the subsequent removal of the SS and the Nazi regime). As my BFF (Kerry) would be happy to know... it's emergency management at its finest.

(The video below is the trailer for "Valkyrie".)

Anyway, the movie was quite interesting... if you could get past the mixed accents used throughout the movie. Germany would probably have been seen in a different light had its own citizens removed Hitler from power.

Following "Valkyrie", Karen and I made a little pit stop at my favorite sister-in-law's (Janine) to pick up our mail. Janine has been gracious enough to get our mail while we were away on vacation. While there, we ended up watching another movie: "27 Dresses".

(The video below is the trailer for "27 Dresses".)

"27 Dresses" is the run-of-the-mill chick flick. The plot was very predictable... but entertaining nonetheless. Plus, I would rather watch that movie than "Brokeback Mountain". I'm not a big Katherine Heigl fan... and it's unfortunate that she is returning for another season of Grey's Anatomy (which is a show that I have never seen). There's just something about Katherine Heigl that makes me think she is a little snooty. Perhaps it's the comment she made about her Emmy nomination: "I do not feel I was given the material this season to warrant a nomination." No slap in the face there for the show's writers who even made her famous to begin with. Regardless, the movie was okay.

On Sunday, Karen and I watched "An Inconvenient Truth".

(The video below is the trailer for "An Inconvenient Truth".)

For anyone curious, the movie is about Al Gore's presentation on global warning. I must say, I was quite surprised because I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. In fact, I thought about what could have been... had Al Gore not just won the popular vote back in 2000... but the Electoral College as well. (Stupid Florida! A curse on you and your chads!)

Not only did Al Gore create the internet, he predicted the demise of the U.S. auto industry. All joking aside, the movie was very interesting and quite thought provoking. It is amazing how the issue of global warning has been an after thought for so long by many people.

By no means am I a tree hugger. I do what I can to make this world a better place to live in. Sadly, my sheer presence is not enough to make the world a better place. So, I need to resort to tactics like recycling and whatnot to try to limit my carbon footprint. After all, should I be lucky enough to have children again... I would at least like them to live in a healthy world. Unfortunately, at the current pace of the world's carbon emissions, there may be no world to actually live in.

Needless to say, I would encourage everyone to watch the movie... or at least attempt to do what they can to save the environment before it's too late. That is just my opinion.

To end the night on a brighter note, Karen and I ended up watching "Fired Up!" afterwards.

(The video below is of "Fired Up!")

For anyone who knows me, they would know that this movie is right up my alley. The movie is about two football players who join the cheerleading team to score chicks. Truth be told, the premise actually reminded me of something that my friend (Tim) had mentioned a long while ago when I was in college about how he thought joining the cheerleading team would be great... being surrounded by all the women... and having the opportunity to place his hands on those women. Of course, he was joking at the time. (Suffice to say, Tim is now divorced... or separated... or something like that.)

As it turns out, Tim's thoughts became a movie... and that movie was actually entertaining. It was silly and predictable, but entertaining. There were some good laughs.

All in all, it was a fun movie filled weekend. Perhaps someday I will get enough motivation to actually be productive and work on things around the house... instead of just watching movies.