Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Suck At Netflix

today, i anxiously awaited the arrival of my friend, the mailman (or mailwoman). i usually don't get too anxious for postal carriers unless i know something is arriving in the mail. scheduled to arrive today are my first set of dvds from netflix.

now, i suck at netflix. in the past, i comtemplated joining netflix because i generally have no life and do watch a lot of movies. truth be told, i have been known to watch god-awful movies just because they were on. it's like when i read god-awful books (like "the secret" and "twilight")... i need to complete them just so i can say i finished the journey.

and really, in my opinion, it's all about the experience of the journey. i know karen generally gets annoyed with me whenever she asks me a question about what will happen next in the upcoming season of buffy the vampire slayer and i decline to tell her. but to me, it's all about the journey. if i told her the answers, then she would not be as surprised or whatever when the season unfolds. for those who watch "lost", just think how exciting the show would be if everyone already knew how the series would end. it would definitely not be the same experience.

that is just my personal opinion. interestingly enough, this topic reminds me about an article i read by j.j. abrams in wired magazine about mystery. the article is a good read. and for anyone curious, j.j. abrams is one of the geniuses behind "lost".

regardless, i recently received a present from my favorite sister-in-law (janine), my favorite brother-in-law (pj), my niece (kaleigh) and my nephew (pj) for father's day. truth be told, with all things considered like the loss of my son (braden) i was not really expecting to receive anything for father's day, so it was a nice surprise. the present happened to be a subscription to netflix.

so off i went to give netflix a try. i must say, there are a lot of movies to choose from. the selection is great! my only fear now is that i will become addicted to watching movies non-stop... which isn't necessarily a bad thing. movies, after all, do provide an escape from reality... even if it is only for a couple of hours. but at least i will get a little reprieve for a couple of hours. so i won't have to constantly think about all the things in my life that stress me out.

anyway, thank you janine, pj, and all. i can't wait to check the mailbox.