Monday, July 6, 2009

I Suck At Blogging

Coming soon to a web browser near you... a new blog. I suck at blogging. Lucky for me, I managed to convince my better half (Karen) into creating a blog tonight.

For some time, Karen has threatened to start her own blog about living with me. Personally, I don't see what's so bad about living with me. I'm quite the perfect catch. Just kidding. (I just tell myself that I'm quite a catch to make myself feel better.)

Anyway, we'll see if Karen even posts anything to her new blog. I'm just happy that she's finally entered the 21st century... with this thing called technology. Whether she does post anything or not to her blog, at least she can finally make good on her threat. So possibly soon, readers can learn about my leaving a wet butt print on her towel...