Friday, July 31, 2009

I Still Suck At Buffy The Vampire Slayer

On Wednesday, my friends (Marc and Kelley) came over. With the heat and the humidity, Marc thought it best to get together at our place because Karen and I have central air. And heck, I surely was not going to object to the idea.

After all, I dislike humidity. The ever present feeling of being sticky has never been high on my list of tactile sensations. Plus, the heat and humidity generally causes me to become sluggish. (Although, I have yet to leave a trail of slime...) So, I'm all for central air if it helps me avoid that feeling.

So it was great having Marc and Kelley come over. We fired up the grill for some burgers and hot dogs for dinner. So I did have to be exposed to the humidity for a little while. (I'd shake my fist at the humidity if I could.)

On the agenda was the greatest TV show ever: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Too bad I still suck at Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Having been off on vacation last week seemed to have thrown me off. I felt like I couldn't remember where we had left off in the season or anything. Of course, it could have just been my bad memory.

Anyway, the episodes we watched included: "No Place Like Home", which introduced the main villain for the season (Glory) and provided insight on how Buffy came to have a sister after four seasons; "Family", about Tara as her relatives attempt to bring her home; "Fool for Love", about how William the Bloody came to be Spike; and "Shadow", about Buffy's mom going to the hospital for her tumor.

Of the four, I enjoyed the episode about Spike the most. Interestingly enough, Amy Adams (of "Enchanted" fame... and "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby") appeared in one of the episodes. She played Tara's cousin. I always get a kick out of seeing current actors and actresses in episodes of Buffy and Angel. The one that still sticks out in my mind is Josh Holloway (a.k.a. Sawyer from "Lost") in the first episode of Angel.

Needless to say, I had fun hanging out with Marc and Kelley as we watched Buffy.

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