Monday, December 1, 2008

I Suck At Watching The Patriots

yesterday, my favorite sister-in-law (janine), my favorite brother-in-law (pj), my neice (kaleigh), and my nephew (pj) came over to watch the football game between the new england patriots and the pittsburgh steelers. too bad i suck at watching the patriots.

had i known the patriots were going to play so poorly, i probably would have chosen another game to watch. the game was absolutely awful, and i'm not just referring to the weather. i wonder if my friends (ron and cass), who went to the football game in the pouring rain, actually stayed for the entire bludgeoning or not. i think my friend (carlos) also went to the game with his son (matthew).

despite the awful game, it was good to see janine, pj, kaleigh, and pj. the four of them are actually bound for the wonderful world of disney today. my niece and nephew were quite riled up yesterday.

anyway, the reason why everyone was over was because my brother-in-law wanted to watch a football game on our ginormous television before the season ended. so we decided to watch the game yesterday before they left for their disney trip.

karen decided to prepare oven-roasted beef. it was the first time karen had ever roasted beef, so she was a little worried about how the meal would come out. it was actually quite delicious. (cue rachael ray's "yum-o" sound.) karen actually got the idea on how to prepare the meal from my friend's (hot amy) father, who... for anyone curious... has the same birthday as i do... so he's got to be good. just kidding.

for anyone curious, karen and i saw hot amy's family at my friend's (andrea) grandmother's wake which was also yesterday. among the things we had discussed was the oven roast, to which hot amy's father suggested using just pepper and garlic. as it turns out, his idea was very delicious.

while karen was cooking the beef, i was actually outside grilling in the rain. pj brought over some sausages for appetizers. so, i fired up the grill and cooked them. the rain-soaked sausages were actually pretty good. my nephew even told me that i made the best sausages. (he's too kind.) actually, pj and janine brought over a lot of perishable food items yesterday. they wanted to get rid of their food before they left for their trip. so apparently, i should be all set for lunches this week. just kidding.

anyway, i had a good time yesterday despite the pathetic play of the patriots. i hope janine, pj, kaleigh, and pj enjoyed it as well. hopefully, they will have a great vacation.