Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Suck At Installing A Septic System

today has been quite dreadful.

to start with, karen and i have been told that our shed is actually two feet onto my neighbor's property. my neighbor is installing a septic system because the house did not pass title 5, which is a regulation in massachusetts where wastewater disposal like a septic system has to be compliant within certain guidelines in order to protect the home owner and the community. too bad i suck at installing a septic system. (luckily, i don't have to... yet.)

part of the septic system installation includes having the plat of land surveyed so that a proper wastewater disposal can be designed. as it turns out, according to the land survey, my shed is actually on my neighbor's property. the contractor installing my neighbor's septic system even went to town hall to verify that indeed is the case.

apparently, when karen and i purchased our current home, there were notes on our land survey that our shed had to be moved back onto our property when the septic system was installed. our house failed title 5 when we purchased it almost 7 years ago. unfortunately, the contractors who installed the septic system never mentioned that tidbit of information to karen or i... and neither did the previous owner.

needless to say, our shed sat at its current spot since karen and i purchased the house. after all, we didn't know it was two feet onto my neighbor's property. my previous neighbor did not even seem to know about it as well. and naturally, as my current luck would have it, the contractor installing my neighbor's septic system is asking me to move the shed... now. (in his defense, the contractor did offer to move the shed for me for a fee... which seems like the best course of action right now because i am just too tired to deal with things anymore. hopefully, it won't get too expensive.)

so, that predicament has been on my mind all day. it's very frustrating. since my son (braden) passed away three months ago... it seems like something major is breaking or needing to be repaired/replaced. and now, something major needs to be addressed. it's a lot to deal with in three months. i just wish something would go karen and my way... just once. it's amazing that i haven't drunken myself into a downward spiral yet...

and of course, making my day worse than it already is... my commute home. from the time i left my work in marblehead, picked up karen, and made it to the front door of my house... it took about four hours. traffic was simply awful. i can't even catch a break on my commute.

i am just so... frustrated... annoyed... you name it. i sure hope 2009 is a better year because right now... i don't know how much longer i can endure all of this.

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