Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Suck At Ben & Jerry's

my coworkers (lee and tim) and i... are geniouses. do not ever buy anything from my company.

today is free cone day. every year, ben & jerry's has what is called a "free cone day" where they give out free ice cream cones all day. i happened to stumble upon the fact that today was that day, thanks to my friend (andrea).

needless to say, i love ice cream. so, when i found out this tidbit of information (it being free cone day), i told everyone i could think of. my coworkers were equally excited. thus, all of us here at work came up with an ingenious plan to go to as many ben & jerry's there are today for the free ice cream cone.

unfortunately, i suck at ben & jerry's. the plan was simple. we had used google maps to find all the locations near work that were participating in the free cone day program. we printed out the map and everything. we even devised a plan as to which ones we would hit first, etc. (it turns out only 3 locations were somewhat near us.)

thus, we embarked on our brilliant journey for lunch... in case anyone did not know... it has been pouring buckets outside. of course, my coworkers and i were not going to let a little water deter us. so, we waited till the skies had brightened up before we began.

well, wouldn't you know... as the sky was brightening and the rain had stopped, my coworkers and i crossed beacon street and into the common. we didn't carry any umbrellas because... we were geniouses... we didn't need them because the weather was brightening. oh how wrong we were. shortly after, the clouds darkened again and the rain poured... and poured. (as i write this, my pants are still soaked.)

needless to say, we finally made our way to the first ben & jerry's location on our map. the line was pretty long, but it moved pretty quickly. i ordered a "cake batter" cone. very yummy. (i may even go so far as to quote rachael raye and say "yum-o".) of course, i polished off the cone in no time.

afterwards, downtrodden by the rain and soaked from head to toe... my coworkers decided to simply head back to work and forgo the other locations. sad. so now i sit here... with wet pants... but it was all worth it. free ben & jerry's ice cream! what i wouldn't do for ice cream...


Anonymous said...

lol, you crack me up. don't you remember the saying, "if you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes"? keep that in mind next time you think it's stopped raining! ha ha

what other locations are there besides the one on newbury? i love ice cream but unfortunately can't eat it anymore, unless i feel like spending the night doubled over in pain.

did you misspell "geniuses" on purpose? because it kind of makes the post funnier if you did. ;)

cavalier said...

see, i told you... geniuses... :)

Anonymous said...

You exude awesomeness, LOL!