Sunday, April 27, 2008

I Suck At BOSU Training

i've had a very good day today.

in addition to seeing my bff (kerry), i got to see my friend (hot amy). i like to poke fun of hot amy, just to keep her grounded of course. after all, i can't have all this "hot" talk go to her head. and to give her credit, she is a good sport when it comes to my ribbing. truth be told, her bff (andrea) is a good sport about my ribbing as well. so it's quite amazing that both of them are still my friends... or are they?

anyway, hot amy came over to correct some case studies with karen. in true instigating fashion, after she was done correcting the case studies with karen, i asked hot amy if she ever used the bosu ball. when she said no, i naturally asked if she wanted to try it.

now earlier in the day, i ran my bff (kerry) through a quick bosu workout. it was during that bosu training that kerry discovered she had a bloody sock. so sure enough, i suck at bosu training. (kerry, by the way, is okay. she's a trooper.)

needless to say, hot amy agreed to give the bosu ball a try. had she declined, i might have persistently asked her until she agreed. (for any of you single guys out there who may be reading this... the key to breaking down hot amy is to be persistent. just kidding.) surprisingly, she looked pretty good on the bosu for someone who doesn't like to sweat or workout.

(the video below is hot amy doing pushups on the bosu.)

pretty soon, i'll have a bosu army... consisting of my favorite sister-in-law (janine), my bff (kerry) and my victory-challenged friend (hot amy)...

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I bosu-ed yesterday at the gym... it wasn't pretty :)