Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Suck At Personal Training

today, my favorite sister-in-law (janine) came over to do a workout.

janine is taking part in the ymca's version of the biggest loser, also known as the "mad dash". thus, the goal of the mad dash is to have people alter their body composition and consequently lose fat/gain muscle while maintaining a healthy nutritional intake. the winner obviously will be the person who has the most dramatic change within the time frame of 10 weeks.

anyway, janine asked if i could help her with the strength training portion of her workouts. naturally, i agreed (even though i have come to find out that she hasn't been following my high intensity suggestion.) janine usually rests her body on sunday. since she missed her workout on friday, however, she asked if she could come over and workout today.

for janine, it was like having two personal trainers today (me and karen). unfortunately, i suck at personal training. i generally tend to have a bad reputation when it comes to training people because i like to push people. after all, a workout would not be a workout if there were no work involved, right? so, my pushing people to focus on their form, slow down, do additional repetitions, etc. sometimes translates into being hard. with karen there today, it was like good cop/bad cop (and i'm sure you can guess which role i played.)

needless to say, karen and i had janine work on her core. we ran janine through a bunch of exercises on the bosu ball. she finished the bosu portion of her workout about two hours later. i'm not sure if janine thought the workout was too easy or not. she did sweat (but no puddles), which is always a good sign. unfortunately, she didn't look that exhausted. i'd be curious to see what she really thought about the workout. there are some things about the workout that i would definitely tweak for next time as she performed better on certain exercises. i'd probably also make her perform other exercises until she had muscle failure (which karen would not let me do today.)

anyway, i hope janine liked the workout. hopefully, she'll return for more workouts. if she does return, that would be great. i would like nothing more than for her to win the mad dash altogether, just so i can then brag about beating some personal trainer named tyson and the tenacious hanover women competing in the mad dash.


J9 said...

I am definitely going to return for more workouts with you! I'm glad that you thought I didn't look exhausted, however, was really red :o) and I will get going on the High Intensity training :o)
Did I mention I'm sore and I couldn't even lift my dry cleaning into the car yesterday! But it's a good sore....GO TEAM

Kerry said...

I wanna be on Team Yee...