Monday, November 2, 2009

I Suck At The Inn At Bay Pointe

Yesterday, Karen and I attended brunch at the Inn at Bay Pointe located in Quincy. Unfortunately, I suck at the Inn at Bay Pointe. It has definitely been a long while since I have eaten there.

Anyway, the brunch was organized by Karen's parents. The brunch was a means to thank everyone who had been involved in helping with the cleaning and selling of Karen's grandmother's house. And there were a lot of helping hands with differing opinions, that is for sure. Thankfully, every thing is now complete in regards to the selling of the house. And to my knowledge, everyone in the family is still speaking with one another.

Regardless, a family gathering would not be complete without a little "rigamarole", a term that I first heard used by my in-laws. The rigamarole during brunch was the mathematical skill of my mother-in-law. Unfortunately, she had counted the number of people attending the brunch incorrectly... by two. After being seated and realizing our mathematical error, the staff at the Inn at Bay Pointe had to shift a couple who were seated near our table to another location so that we could add their seating to ours. It was interesting.

When all was said and done, brunch was actually quite delicious. I must have ate... everything. And you wonder why I'm shaped the way I am.

Anyway, following brunch and a brief visit by Karen at her great aunt's craft fair, Karen and I ended up at my favorite sister-in-law's (Janine). Janine was kind enough to help Karen with her volunteer work. For anyone curious, Janine was arranging baskets for Karen. The baskets were to be used in an upcoming raffle for the Norwell Public Library.

Needless to say, I spent much of that time playing with my niece (Kaleigh), who had... as she made sure to tell everyone repeatedly... a cough for ten days. We'll see if I get sick in return.

Karen and I actually ended up having dinner there as well. My favorite brother-in-law (PJ) and my friend (Gretchen) had picked up chinese food on their way back from a town meeting in Hingham. It was rather comical because PJ was gracious enough to pick up a birthday cake for Karen. Normally, that is not really comical. Unfortunately, he had picked up a cake with coconut on it despite the recommendations of Gretchen, who suggested a different type of cake. Apparently, PJ rebuffed her suggestions and went with the coconut because he knew Karen.

For anyone curious, Karen does not like coconut. Needless to say, after showing Janine the cake, the two of them stepped back out to get another cake. It was interesting.

Anyway, all in all, it was a good family day.