Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Suck At Blue-22

On Monday night, I met up with a few friends at Blue-22 located in Quincy. Unfortunately, I suck at Blue-22.

I haven't been to Blue-22 in quite a while. Apparently, Blue-22 recently changed its menu... and by "recently" I mean last week. My friend (Garv) who is a partial owner of Blue-22 informed us of the change. In fact, at the time that he mentioned the new menu, Garv was trying one of the new menu items which was some pork dish. He also tried one of the burger sliders that Blue-22 also now offers.

Although I was full, I actually tried the pork and one of the burger sliders. It was very good. I enjoyed the new menu items.

Anyway, the reason why all of us were at Blue-22 was because my friend (Ron) proposed getting all of us together for some laughs, drinks, merriment... and some fantasy football. It has been a long while since I got to hang out with Ron. So it was great to see him again.

Ron had originally proposed the idea of getting the fantasy football owners together before the milestone known as the "trading deadline". For anyone curious, the trading deadline is the deadline where fantasy football owners can no longer trade away players on their respective teams to other owners with hopes of improving their own team.

In other words, Monday was an excuse to get out of the house, hang out, and geek it up over fantasy football. Joining in the geekfest were my friend (Cass), Ron, Garv and I. My friends (Marc, Kelley, and Ellen) unfortunately could not make the shindig.

Needless to say, it was a fun time. Cass's brother (BJ), who is a staple at Blue-22, also temporarily joined us for the geekfest. BJ was doing work while at the restaurant. Plus, he stopped by to pick up his Kango hat that he had lost at Blue-22.

Speaking of Cass, he seemed to have the best time. In terms of fantasy football, Cass without a doubt did the most wheeling and dealing. (This is yet another reason why Cass would be great as mayor of Quincy. Remember that the next time the election comes around!)

Anyway, Cass pulled off two major trades on Monday: one involving Ron and the other involving Garv. Luckily, my fantasy football team is terrible. So there really was no one on my team that garnered any interest. (After all, my team is terrible for a reason.)

All in all, it was a very enjoyable night... fantasy football aside.


aimee said...

i was at blue-22 on tuesday! i did not really have such a pleasant experience, however.

cavalier said...

why, what happened?

Andrea said...

What? No "how many wings can you eat?" competition?

cavalier said...

at tempting as the all-you-can-eat competition was, i actually had eaten beforehand. someday... someday...