Saturday, November 21, 2009

I Suck At Making Waffles

Today was a historic day. Today I made waffles. Unfortunately, I suck at making waffles.

There is a back story to my waffle making ability. When Karen and I were engaged... some 6+ years ago... we did the usual things like register for wedding gifts. At the time, I wanted to register for a waffle maker. I had visions of eating waffles for breakfast every day... complete with whipped cream and strawberries... and all of that good stuff. What can I say, I had big dreams.

Karen, of course, was more practical. She thought it would be silly to register for a waffle maker because she knew I would never use a waffle maker... probably because I hardly cooked. Thinking that she was probably right, I decided to not register for the waffle maker... much to my dismay.

As luck would have it, however, my future favorite sister-in-law (Janine) knew how much I really wanted the waffle maker. There's a reason why she is my favorite sister-in-law. Anyway, Janine ended up getting the waffle maker for me for Christmas. It was very exciting that year!

Although I would never admit it to Karen, Karen was right in my waffle making use. I had put the waffle maker away in one of our kitchen cabinets... always planning to use it someday. Needless to say, time passed... home improvement projects came and gone... other things happened... and the next thing I knew, it was six years later. (I should remember this lesson...)

Anyway, a few weeks ago Karen and I were in Trader Joe's and we saw that they had a pumpkin pancake and waffle mix. As the mix sounded delicious, we decided to get it. Naturally, the mix sat in one of our kitchen cabinets. (Are you sensing a trend?)

So today, I decided to prove Karen wrong. Sure, it was six years in the making. But, as I have been cooking more of late... I figured why not bust out the waffle maker and make pumpkin waffles?

Needless to say, I love the waffle maker. The pumpkin waffles came out great! And as an added bonus, Karen enjoyed the waffles too.