Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Suck At Pork Marinades

When it comes to food, one of the things that I enjoy about Karen is that she is willing to experiment. I actually think experimenting is great because the experience allows you to know if a particular food item tastes great or not. Unfortunately, some people can't get past certain issues with food, which is too bad. They'll never know what they are missing.

Regardless, last night Karen and I decided to try our hand at cooking pork tenderloin with sweet potatoes in a cranberry glaze. We had purchased some pork tenderloin at the grocery store earlier in the week. Not knowing what to do with the pork tenderloin, I decided to find a marinade recipe. Too bad I suck at pork marinades.

After a quick search, I decided to try a recipe by Anne Burrell. The recipe was for an Asian marinaded grilled pork tenderloin. As I'm generally one for simple recipes, I decided to use it.

Plus, I remembered Anne Burrell from her days on Iron Chef and thought she was cool... probably because of her platinum hair at the time. Although truth be told, I probably thought she was cool because she was the sous chef for Mario Batali and anyone who could work alongside Mario Batali had to be cool. For anyone curious, Mario Batali reminds me of the comic book guy from the Simpsons.

Anyway, I marinaded the pork in Anne Burrell's recipe. Karen decided to try her hand at the cranberry glaze. For Karen, there was no recipe. She made the sweet potato on her own, which I thought was pretty impressive. I'd detail what Karen did for the sweet potato and cranberry glaze, but I really wasn't watching. Sorry.

When all was said and done, the entire meal came out pretty good. We were both impressed by how good the pork and the sweet potatoes tasted.

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