Friday, November 6, 2009

I Suck At A Cervical Cerclage

On Wednesday, Karen was having a procedure performed to help with her high risk pregnancy. The procedure is known as a cervical cerclage. Unfortunately, I suck at a cervical cerclage.

According to the American Pregnancy Association:

"When a woman's cervix is weak (sometimes called an incompetent cervix) she is more likely to have a baby born prematurely because the cervix shortens or opens too early. In order to prevent premature labor, a woman's doctor may recommend a cervical cerclage. A cerclage is used to prevent these early changes in a woman's cervix, thus preventing premature labor. A closed cervix helps a developing baby stay inside the uterus until the mother reaches 37-38 weeks of pregnancy."

Anyway, in Karen's case, the procedure involved a spinal injection for the anesthesia. The procedure itself did not take that long. The longest part was actually waiting for the anesthesia to wear off because Karen could not be discharged until she could fully stand on her own two feet.

Needless to say, the anesthesia fully wore off about five hours later. According to the doctor, the procedure was a success. So hopefully things will go well with this pregnancy.