Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Suck At Wendy's

Last night, Karen and I did something that we hardly do: we went out for fast food. Normally, going out for fast food is not a big deal... unless of course your spouse happens to be a registered dietitian. But occasionally, Karen does get a craving for fast food... and not just any fast food, mind you. The fast food that she will crave is Wendy's fast food. (And really, what's not to like about redheads?) Too bad I suck at Wendy's.

It also happened to be the case that my friend (Marc) was craving Wendy's. It's funny. Marc and Karen have a lot of similarities. In high school, an underclassman mistook Marc for being Karen's brother. It was pretty comical back then. I would divulge the unfortunate underclassman's name, but I can't say his name and do it justice anymore. I used to say his name with such a high pitched tone. Damn puberty!

Anyway, it is rather odd that Marc and Karen share some similar traits. Interestingly enough, my friend (Kelley) and I share some similar traits. Perhaps that is why the four of us get along so well. It's also probably why Kelley and I booze it up as drinking buddies when we can.

Needless to say, as it was our normal day to hang out with Marc and Kelley, the four of us went to Wendy's for dinner. Dinner was interesting. I can't really say much about fast food these days because I hardly go out for fast food. I did, however, feel somewhat nostalgic while at Wendy's because I remembered when Wendy's had the salad bar.

Back in the day... a bunch of my friends and I were going to hangout and play some football. We made a quick pit stop at Wendy's for lunch. At the time, the salad bar at Wendy's had strawberries lathered in red strawberry sauce. Needless to say, I must have eaten a gallon of strawberries and the sauce. The sugary goodness was hard to resist... oh the memories!

Anyway, besides Wendy's the four of us also went to Tedeschi's located on Adams Street in Quincy. I had never been to that Tedeschi's since the place became a Tedeschi's. Keeping with the nostalgic theme, I remembered the place being a Curtis Farms. (Man, I'm old.) But it was pretty nice inside.

Regardless, the four of us finally ended up back at Marc and Kelley's to watch a few episodes of Angel. The episodes that we watched were: "The Trial" about Angel's mission to save the now dying Darla through... a trial of challenges; "Reunion" about Darla's eventual rebirth as a vampire complements of Drusila; and "Redefinition" about Angel attempting to stop Darla and Drusila after firing Cordelia, Wes, and Gunn.

It's hard to say which episode I enjoyed the most out of those three because they were all good. Again, what's not to like about a blonde with fangs? Okay, so maybe I am attracted to shiny objects... Blonde... Shiny... Pretty... (Caveman voice.) Of course, the loads of chocolate chip cookies that I devoured during the episodes of Angel may also have contributed to my enjoyment of the show.

After Angel, we also watched the latest episode of Wipeout. Wipeout is always good for a laugh or two. All in all, I had a great time yesterday. It was fun.

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