Saturday, September 12, 2009

I Suck At Remembering My Son

My son (Braden) passed away one year ago today. Braden, who I sometimes referred to as Little B, was a fighter. He put up a valiant fight for his survival. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be for my Little B. Braden was born too premature. He only lived a week after he was born, but it was one week that I was thankful to have because I got to meet my son. Some fathers are not lucky enough to do that.

It being the one year anniversary of his passing, I do what I do best: I suck at remembering my son. As one might expect, neither Karen nor I were too keen about today. Last week was a little easier because we were celebrating Braden's birth. There is a connotation of life and joy with a birthday. Unfortunately today... well... people don't really celebrate deaths. There is no joy on the anniversary of people's passing, especially a child's.

Interestingly enough, the weather today was dark and gloomy. In fact, there was a constant downpour of rain today. It seems somewhat fitting that today would be a day of heavy rain. Like the famous spin that is mentioned about rain on one's wedding day, I like to think that today... the angels were crying tears of joy because one of their own returned to them one year ago on this day. With the constant heavy rain, it made me feel good to know that the angels really really adored my Little B.

Never one for pity, Karen and I decided to get out of the house and do something today. After a visit to Braden at the cemetery, Karen and I headed off to Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Our plan: to go to the Bodies Revealed exhibit that was showing there.

Karen and I had originally planned to be spontaneous and go yesterday. Unfortunately, my work threw a little wrench in the plans. So, we decided to go today, which was actually nice because it gave us an opportunity to get out of the house. Otherwise, we probably would have sat around our house, watching the pouring rain with nothing to do.

For anyone curious, the Bodies Revealed exhibit is basically a bunch of cadavers sliced up in certain ways in the name of science. The cadavers provide a more authentic learning medium when it comes to muscles, bones, circulatory systems, digestive systems, etc. Truth be told, I thought the exhibit was well done.

I even had the opportunity to hold a preserved liver (and a stomach) in my hand. According to the exhibit, the liver is the heaviest organ in the body... weighing it at approximately 3 pounds. Naturally, I thought of my bff (Kerry) doing her 30 day shred workout, complements of Jillian Michaels of the "Biggest Loser" fame, holding a liver in each hand. Yeah, I don't know why.

Nonetheless, the exhibit was great. Afterwards, Karen and I grabbed a bite to eat at the California Pizza Kitchen that was located at Foxwoods. It was almost as though Braden planned it as such because just the other day, Karen had mentioned how she was craving a dish at the California Pizza Kitchen. And then lo' and behold... there was the California Pizza Kitchen at Foxwoods. Now if only Karen would crave a million dollars.

Speaking of which, being at a casino, Karen and I thought that we had to at least play something while we were there. We ended up playing the slot machine because it was quick and easy. Sadly, the one armed bandit took our money... all one dollar of it. We actually must have looked odd at the slot machine because neither Karen nor I are gamblers. The extent of my gambling is wagering against my friend (Hot Amy). And really, that's not really gambling because it is practically a given that I win those wagers. It's a sure bet. Of course, it helps that Hot Amy has a genetic predisposition to losing.

Anyway, it took Karen and I awhile to figure out how to even play the slot machine because it did not accept coins... only bills... with five being the lowest. It was comical.

With our new found gambling addiction, we then decided to head to Mohegan Sun, a casino also located in Connecticut. Neither Karen nor I have ever been to Mohegan Sun. As we were in the neighborhood, we figured we should at least check it out.

So, we took a leisurely drive down to the other casino and walked around. In terms of size, Mohegan Sun is huge. To me, it almost seemed like we were driving to the airport when we arrived at Mohegan Sun. And truth be told, I think I actually like Foxwoods better than Mohegan Sun.

Sure... Mohegan Sun has the Jonas Brothers coming in October. Sure... Karen and I won fifty cents at the slot machine. (We also lost fifty cents.) But the place is rather dark in terms of lighting. Plus, the smell of cigarette smoke is much more obvious at Mohegan Sun.

Foxwoods seemed to be brighter. It's shopping and restaurants were further spread out from the casino itself, which somehow seems to translate to less cigarette smoke. Plus, Tyler Florence is coming to Foxwoods in October. My friend (Marc) has a man-crush on Tyler Florence.

Anyway, all in all, I had a good time being with Karen today. I think the quick trip was a much needed break with all things considered. Truth be told, we should probably get out and do more things. It would probably be good for us.

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