Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Suck At Presidential Inaugurations

wherever you go today, the big news around the united states is the presidential inauguration of this country's 44th president, barack obama. too bad i suck at presidential inaugurations.

i have never watched any presidential inauguration. the closest thing i have ever seen of a presidential inauguration is a snippet from john f kennedy telling americans to "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country". today was no exception.

the historical significance of barack obama becoming this country's first african-american president is not lost on me. this country has definitely come a long way in terms of racial equality.

today, it seems like everyone i know (including everyone at work) was tuning in to watch the inaugural address. i almost feel bad for barack obama because everyone is expecting him to turn things around for this country after years and years of turmoil left behind from the previous administration. it is as though barack obama is america's savior. hopefully, his plans to lead this country will work out. they don't say the presidential position is full of pressure for nothing.

i almost wish i had watched the inauguration... not because of the address... more for seeing aretha franklin sing "my country 'tis of thee". aretha franklin may be the queen of soul, but i heard she may well be the pauper of fashion with her bow-shaped hat. apparently, the hat is customized with swarovski crystals and is created by mr. song millinery in detroit.

anyway, hopefully the fervor of the inauguration was worth it. for the life of me, i still don't understand why some people are hysterically crying over the inauguration. i sometimes wonder if those are the same people at the concerts who are crying hysterically, thinking the song is about them. oh well... i guess that is why i suck at presidential inaugurations.