Monday, January 5, 2009

I Suck At New Year's Resolutions

okay, so maybe i'm a little late with making a new year's resolution. yes, it's true...i suck at new year's resolutions. after all, today is way past the beginning of the new year. in my defense, i was on a cruise during the start of the new year.

anyway, i generally do not make any resolutions when the new year starts. this year, however, i figured i would join the masses and make a resolution for 2009. my resolution is very simple: to have a better year than 2008. i figure this resolution should be easy enough to obtain. (famous last words as i jinx things by saying this resolution should be easy to obtain...) after all, this year can't possibly be as bad as 2008... and not that 2008 was completely bad... just the latter portion of the year which my son (braden) being born and then subsequently passing away shortly after. that was almost four months ago... (braden would have been four months old to this day.) needless to say, i'm still trying my best to resume some sense of normalcy after that shocking turn of events.

hopefully, things will turn out better in 2009. if they don't, then i suppose i can always turn to my friend, mr. booze. i will then toast like homer simpson and say "To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems." i'm just kidding. but here's to a good year...