Thursday, April 9, 2009

I Suck At Chauffeuring

last night was my usual night to drive karen and my friend (hot amy) home from simmons college. karen and hot amy teach a course together at simmons college. as there was a red sox game starting around the time karen and hot amy would be finishing with their teaching, i figured traffic would probably be a little congested. luckily, i suck at chauffeuring.

in preparation of the traffic, i quickly threw together a sandwich for hot amy. the sandwich was the usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich... and sadly, the jelly was not monk-created, so it probably tasted a little different than normal to hot amy. i'm afraid i already devoured all of the trappist jam... it just tastes so good.

karen, however, did not want anything because she still had her peanut butter and jelly sandwich from lunch. (you may be noticing a peanut butter and jelly theme...)

needless to say, i actually left an hour and half before the designated rendezvous time. i was concerned with traffic after all. i can see why my favorite brother-in-law (pj) gets obsessed with traffic. traffic is such an annoyance, especially when there is no one else in the car to chat with. on an semi-unrelated note... if i could complain about my job, it would be the long commute home from work with traffic and no one to chat with... that alone drives me crazy at times.

anyway, it took me close to an hour to arrive in town... which is not bad considering i live about half an hour away from town. and as luck would have it, there were plenty of parking spaces available on the street near simmons college. being a half hour early, i decided to read a little. (as surprising as it sounds, i do occasionally read.)

i'm currently reading a book that my friend (andrea) lent me. it's the sequel to "twilight". the sequel is called "new moon". granted, i was not exactly a big fan of the first book. sadly, since i like to complete things... and sequels being one of them... i figured that i might as well continue with the next installment of the twilight series. i do this with movies as well.

and surprisingly... so far... the second book in the series... much more enjoyable than the first book... probably because there is less of the "i know i shouldn't love you because you're a vampire, but i do" thing.

anyway, i didn't get too far into the book because karen and hot amy had finished teaching earlier than expected. so off we went... to do my little chauffeuring task. nothing too exciting happened on the ride home. hot amy asked if i were less stressed now that the scavenger hunt that i had organized was over. (i may have been somewhat on edge... mostly because i tend to worry about people having a good time, having the right amount of people to participate, and all of that stuff.) for anyone curious, with the event now over... yes, it does feel like there is less weight on my shoulders.

karen tried to get me to spill the beans for some of the other ideas that i have been hatching as possible items for next year's scavenger hunt... should i decide to plan another hunt. obviously, i didn't reveal a thing. but we did briefly discuss the potential craziness for a scavenger hunt next year with more people wanting to join in on the fun. i suppose we'll see how i feel next year. maybe i can switch things up and do an "amazing race" type of event or something. we'll see.

needless to say, that was pretty much my night of chauffeuring. on the way back to our house, however, there was one new interesting encounter. a police car had blocked off route 53 a little before the stop and shop as we were heading home. apparently, the police officer blocked the street because there was a fire nearby and he had to re-route everyone so that the fire trucks could get to the fire. as karen and i lived just up past the stop and shop, the officer was kind enough to let us drive on home. seeing route 53 blocked off is not something you notice every day. for anyone curious, the fire was not in our neighborhood... so we were safe.

all in all, it was an interesting night.

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