Friday, April 17, 2009

I Suck At Angel

last night, karen and i hung out with my friends (marc and kelley). interestingly enough, i think it has been quite some time since karen and i hung out with marc and kelley on back to back days. hopefully, they haven't gotten sick of us just yet.

anyway, as karen was working late at her regular job, i arrived at marc and kelley's place a little early. we ended up watching an episode of "it's always sunny in philadelphia" and an episode of south park while we waited for karen.

for some reason, marc had erasure's "take a chance on me" song stuck in his head.

(the video below is erasure's "take a chance on me".)

gotta love erasure. for anyone curious, the song is a cover of the abba song by the same name. i still find it funny that marc likes erasure. for the longest time, i thought the only people i knew who liked erasure were my friend (garv) and i... and maybe my friend (aimee).

anyway, karen arrived shortly thereafter and we dove right into the next episode of lost. the episode of lost was fantastic. the only drawback of the episode: the character known as kate. oh well. needless to say, the episode was great. too bad the next episode is not until two weeks. bummer.

from there, we watched a couple of episodes of angel. now, i suck at angel. in fact, i suck at angel so much that i did not realize we skipped over an episode until just now. we watched the episodes "the bachelor party" about... well... a bachelor party involving doyle's ex-wife, and "i will remember you" about buffy's visit to los angeles and how angel becomes mortal... for a day. (for anyone curious, we accidentally skipped the episode called "sense and sensitivity", but i'm sure we'll see it next week anyway.)

of the two angel episodes, i liked the "i will remember you" episode over "the bachelor party" episode... probably because the episode had buffy in it. although... "the bachelor party" episode did have an actor that played a villain on the buffy series... carlos jacott.

carlos jacott played ken in the first episode ("anne") of season 3 where buffy in waitressing in los angeles. ken turned out to be a demon enslaving lost souls to do some hard labor. in "the bachelor party", carlos jacott is a demon who wants to marry doyle's ex-wife... and consequently wants to eat doyle's brains as part of the demon ritual of marrying someone who has already been married.

needless to say, the "i will remember you" episode... no carlos jacott... just buffy. it was a touching episode.

i forgot to mention, one of the funniest things of the night... at least, i thought it was funny... was when one of marc and kelley's cats started licking... my head. their cat (samatha) was sitting on the back of couch behind me. she leaned over and started licking the hair on the side of my head... and not just once. it was cute and funny at the same time.

it's weird how marc and kelley's cats like me, considering how allergic i am to cats. i think it may be part of the cat master plan: cuddle up with the ones who are allergic... eliminate them first... and then rule the world.