Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Suck At Pre-Thanksgiving

yesterday, my friend's (andrea) grandmother passed away. it is never fun to lose a loved one. i should know... i lost my son (braden michael) after he was only a week old in september. and it definitely is not fun to lose a loved one before the holiday season.

it seems to me that when people pass away, there exists a lot of awkwardness in terms of communication or verbalizing thoughts to those whom the deceased left behind. in reality, there are no words that people can say to help with the grieving. in my opinion, the best thing that can probably be done is to acknowledge the loss and offer condolences.

so andrea, i'm sorry for your loss. obviously, if you need help with anything, please let me know. karen and i (and i am sure many of your other friends) are here for you. i hope things will get better for you soon.

the news yesterday morning of andrea's grandmother's passing probably set my mood for the rest of the day. my mind has a tendency to follow a bizarre train of thought. with the passing of andrea's grandmother, however, i simply thought about the passing of my own son, braden, for a good portion of the day.

thus, my solemn mood may have followed me when i went to my friends' (jen and bill) for a little pre-thanksgiving celebration. so unfortunately, i suck at pre-thanksgiving.

jen and bill planned a martini and movie night yesterday. in particular, they had planned to watch a christmas movie... which one?... i'm not sure. nonetheless, it was a good time. my bff (kerry), my favorite sister-in-law (janine), and my friends (carlos, hot amy, and bruce) were all there in addition to karen and i.

it has been quite some time since i've seen all of them. so it was nice. what started out as a trip down memory lane in terms of looking at old pictures and whatnot... turned out to be simply kerry and i talking about our high school days. apparently, everyone else went to watch television... and interestingly enough... they did not watch any christmas movie whatsoever. they watched the show, "three sheets"... which is a show whereby the host simply gets all liquored up in other countries. it's an interesting job to have, that is for sure.

anyway, hopefully i won't get sick. kerry was a little under the weather as was hot amy. although i do not think hot amy got me sick this time around, i actually think she may have poisoned me. she made some bacon dip for chips. don't get me wrong, the dip was very good. i consumed a lot of the dip. unfortunately, my stomach has not been agreeing with the dip today. it is either that or the mass quantities of pizza, which carlos brought over, that i inhaled. who knows?

but all in all, it was a good time at jen and bill's. it was definitely good to see all of them again.

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