Monday, November 3, 2008

I Suck At Getting Into Shape

today, i decided to get into some shape... or at least attempt to. after all, when i send a picture of me in a speedo to everyone this year for the holidays, i have to make sure i look damn good. just kidding.

seriously though, i do have to get into some shape. the amorphous blob shape that i currently am can only go on for so long before i say enough is enough. too bad i suck at getting into shape. since the birth, life, and passing of my son (braden) two months ago, i have not exactly taken good physical care of myself.

i have put on ten pounds. i have not exactly eaten well (or i suppose if you look at it from a glass is half full perspective... i have eaten extremely well... mass quantity consumption well). i have not done any physical activity, whether it's weight-bearing or not. i have simply been a couch potato. of course, it doesn't help that my job, by its very nature, is sedentary. (for anyone curious, i do... computer stuff.) as well, i'm sure my sitting in front of this computer right now and blogging does not help things either.

so today, i decided that enough is enough. i'm going to get into shape. unfortunately, i don't exactly have a concrete plan yet as to what i'm going to start doing to get back into shape. i am thinking... step 1: nutrition. nutrition is always the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle. i'm sure karen and my friend (hot amy) would agree with me on that statement since they are both registered dietitians. nutrition is probably the most overlooked part of being healthy... whether it's not eating enough, eating too much, eating the wrong proportion of things, etc.

i need to start eating better again. since braden passed, i have not had any interest in preparing foods for meals, preferring instead to eat out a majority of the time. i'm obviously going to have to change that. right now, there is nothing in my refrigerator. (karen also has not had any interest in preparing meals since braden's passing.) i may have to go grocery shopping today.

from there, i think i will need to begin my cardiovascular and strength training. i'm currently toying with the idea of the high intensity interval training again mixed with bosu workouts... i'm not sure yet. whatever i decide, i need to focus on nutrition first. after all, i'll need the energy to even begin any sort of training. we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

you could always join capoeira with's fun! but tough.

J9 said...

we can start our bosu army again.....I would totally be up for it!

Kerry said...

I miss the bosu... there isn't one at my new gym :( Since you work from home 3 days a week, there's nothing that says you can't do intervals... work some, do 10 pushups, work some more, do 10 situps - nobody's there to look at you funny!