Sunday, November 9, 2008

I Suck At Celebrating My Father-In-Law's Birthday

last night, was my father-in-law's birthday. happy birthday! incidentally, it also happens to be my in-laws' wedding anniversary. happy 38th wedding anniversary! as i have been told, my father-in-law... in an attempt to never forget his wedding anniversary... got married on his birthday.

to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday, my favorite sister-in-law (janine) had everyone over for dinner. as usual, dinner at janine's was very good. after my niece and nephew went to bed, however, the fun started.

as long as i have been a part of the family, i cannot remember my in-laws hanging out with janine and karen and dispensing the family history into the late hours of night. it was actually quite comical. i got to learn some things about the family i married into. and i must say, my family history... very boring... so hearing about someone else's... way more fun.

i think the part of the night that is most memorable to me, is the look of shock and awe on karen and janine's face when they heard some of the family history. the look can probably be best described as the "i don't even know you anymore" type of look... except that it was about other family members. and it was not just my father-in-law who was having fun telling the stories. my mother-in-law got all giddy with excitement... whispering into my father-in-law's ear about some other story... which then led to more family history.

the night was definitely interesting to say the least. what have i married into? just kidding.