Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Suck At Removing Furnaces

today, the contractors came to remove our furnace.

now, i suck at removing furnaces... (hence... the contractors). now you may ask, what will we do without a furnace? how will we heat our house in the winter time? luckily, we had two furnaces when one of them was removed.

when we purchased the house, the house originally had only one furnace. with the second floor addition of last year, however, a second furnace was added to independently heat the second floor... much like a zoned system. thus, our oil lines were split to divert oil between both furnaces.

unfortunately, over this past winter, the original furnace died. the original furnace could not and would not start. although the flame in the furnace was strong, the rest of the furnace had signs of corrosion. apparently, there was a gaping hole on one side of the furnace... which you can imagine would be a safety hazard.

anyway, we had the contractors who worked on our house review the furnace. they presented two options: replacing the original furnace with another one; or connecting all the ductwork from the first floor to the newer furnace used for the second floor.

we opted for the second choice... even though karen, apparently does not like the fact that there will no longer be zones for control. needless to say, our heating contractor (kevin) wrote up a proposal quite some time ago.

well... yesterday, kevin stopped by and notified us that he could start removing the furnace today... and that it should only take one day to do so. today was that day. anyway, we now have one furnace heating the entire house. as for the cooling system, we also now have one central air system as opposed to two. the central air system for the first floor is currently sitting in our garage.

now we'll have to see if the house gets cool enough in the summer and warm enough in the winter.

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