Monday, August 4, 2008

I Suck At Celebrating My Mom's Birthday

yesterday was my mom's birthday. happy birthday mom! too bad i suck at celebrating my mom's birthday.

i invited my parents over yesterday for my mom's birthday. when i spoke to my mom the other day, she wanted to have steak and some vegetables (of any kind) for lunch. so, naturally, i went to the supermarket and got some steak and some vegetables (zucchini, squash, and green beans).

after work on friday, i had marinaded the steaks. so, yesterday morning i simply spent the time cutting up and seasoning the vegetables and preparing the couscous. (my mom recently discovered couscous and loves it. she got all excited when she found out she was going to have pine nut couscous.)

when my parents came over, i fired up the grill and started cooking the steaks and vegetables. apparently, my mom had gone out in the morning for some dim sum with one of her friends. she went to the chau chow city restaurant on morrissey boulevard. (as far as chinese restaurants go, i like chau chow city... at least, the one in chinatown. i've never been to the one on morrissey boulevard.)

anyway, my parents ate the lunch i made and told me they enjoyed it. they could have been just being nice... i realize. when i was cleaning up after lunch, my mom got this big grin on her face. she had wondered how come when i was at home i had never cooked, cleaned, or washed the dishes. (in my defense, i did do all the above at home... just not to the frequency that i do now.) my mom was just teasing me of course, but i got the sense that she was quite proud of me... hence the big grin on her face.

needless to say, after lunch my mom asked if there were a red sox game. as luck would have it, there was. so my mom, my dad, and i spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch watching the baseball game. i must say, it's very interesting to watch a baseball game with my parents. apparently, my mom loves watching the red sox. i don't think she understands the game of baseball, but she gets all excited when a member of the red sox gets a hit or scores a run. it's a little cute to watch my mom cheering for the red sox. and for anyone curious, my mom thinks the red sox should have traded youkilis, or as my mom referred to him as... the bald guy... instead of manny. i don't know why she dislikes youkilis.

anyway, my parents stayed until almost the end of the game. they waited around to see karen (as she was coming back from her little girls weekend trip to new jersey) and then left in the 8th inning to avoid traffic. my mom even later called me to ask what the final score was.

all in all, even though we didn't do much... i think my mom had a good time celebrating her birthday. at least, i hope so. happy birthday again mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was definitely one of your best blogs...must be me getting sentimental in my old age, but I think it was great you cooked for your mom and that she got such a kick out of watching you cook, clean up and do the dishes...all the stuff you never did at home. I love that she loves watching baseball. It sounds like a great afternoon for all. I'll have to meet your parents some day.