Monday, August 9, 2010

I Suck At Celebrating My Friend's Birthday

On Saturday, Karen and I celebrated my friend's (Andrea) birthday. Happy belated birthday Andrea! Andrea's birthday (and for anyone curious... Dustin Hoffman's) was not until Sunday (8/8). In celebration, Andrea wanted to have dinner at the Union Brew House located in Weymouth.

Too bad I suck at celebrating my friend's birthday. Before dinner, Karen and I dropped off our baby daughter (Briana) with my favorite sister-in-law (Janine) and my favorite brother-in-law (PJ). Incidentally, PJ's cousin is dating a frequent patron of the Union Brew House who is the self-proclaimed Mayor of Weymouth. If I can't get my friend (Cass) to run for mayor of Quincy, I should at least try to get him to proclaim that he is the mayor... much like PJ's cousin's significant other.

Anyway, it has been a while since anyone has babysat our daughter. The reason is not because we don't trust anyone or anything like that. Heck, I'd probably let anyone watch our daughter. Karen and I simply haven't gone out alone. Briana is cramping our style. Just kidding.

Thinking that everything would be fine, we left Briana with Janine, PJ, their kids, and Janine's BFF (Gretchen). So off we went to celebrate at the Union Brew House. Karen and I were the first to arrive. For anyone curious, the Union Brew House is a tiny hole in the wall. I would say that the Brew House's "thing" is that is has 99 different types of beer available. 99 may have been one too many for this particular guy who was trying to pick up some women at a nearby table when Karen and I first arrived. For me, it was a little comical watching this guy. He was simply awful. He had no idea that the husband of one of the women had been sitting at the table. Yes, he was quite the catch.

Eventually everyone else showed up. Partaking in the festivities for the night were Andrea (the birthday girl of course), and my friends (Marc, Kelley, Kerry, Hot Amy) and Hot Amy's fiancee (Mark). It was good to see everyone. I don't think I have seen Hot Amy and Mark in quite some time. I believe they have been a little preoccupied with wedding plans. Apparently, Hot Amy has finally picked out a wedding dress. Whether true or not, Mark mentioned using the Mortal Kombat theme as the song to enter the reception area with. If Hot Amy and Mark use that song, I will be very impressed.

As a side note, the new Mortal Kombat movie trailer does look pretty exciting.
(The video below is a trailer for the Mortal Kombat rebirth.)

Kelley had shared the above with me some time ago. And for a movie based on a video game, I would have to say that the trailer does in fact make the movie look pretty exciting. (Historically, movies based on video games are never good.)

Regardless, it was a fun night hanging out with everyone. I think Andrea had a good time, which is really all that mattered for the night. Andrea, Marc, and Kelley were thinking of other movies for movie night. The 80s theme had progressed into a 90s theme. And although I don't think the movie made the cut, the movie "Threesome" was mentioned. (For anyone curious, "Threesome was made in 1994 and starred Lara Flynn Boyle and Stephen Baldwin.)

Unfortunately, Karen and I had to leave the festivities early. Remember... I do suck at celebrating my friend's birthday. Apparently, things weren't going too well at Janine's with Briana. Briana was crying non-stop. She cried. Janine cried. Her kids cried. I felt pretty bad for Janine and them.

I am thinking that Briana is having attachment issues, which does not bode well for our upcoming babysitting gig later this week. Anyway, I hope Andrea enjoyed her day. Again happy belated birthday, Andrea!

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