Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Suck At Working On The House

tonight, karen went out with my favorite sister-in-law (janine) and their cousin from lowell (karlene)... leaving me all by my lonesome. so naturally, i did what any person would do with a saturday night all to themselves... i worked on the house. unfortunately, i suck at working on the house.

working on our house can definitely be a grind at times. after all, i would much rather be vegging out, playing video games or what have you with my spare time. i can't remember the last time when i did just nothing all by myself. i am so looking forward to that day when i finally do get that chance. come to think of it, the last time i did nothing all day was probably january 19th of last year, when i organized the photo scavenger hunt for a bunch of my friends. oh well.

anyway, with karen out and about tonight, i got to play with wood... snicker snicker. i'm just kidding. basically, i spent the evening cutting pieces of base molding for our unfinished rooms upstairs. it's thrilling i know. for some reason, whenever i play with my trusty compound miter saw, i get sawdust everywhere. i am generally covered from head to toe in sawdust whenever i work with wood. tonight was no different.

needless to say, i'm now tired and covered in sawdust. but at least i was somewhat productive in getting things done around the house. truth be told, today in general has been quite the productive day.

as the light in our dining room went out, i had to go to home depot to find those special energy saving light bulbs to replace them. i hung 3 of the 4 paintings that karen and i received while on our cruise to the bahamas in our house. and i actually installed a few pieces of base molding in the bathroom. not bad for a day's work.

plus in terms of productivity and feeling like something has been accomplished, when karen and i went to visit braden at the cemetery, we met the relative of one of braden's neighbors. braden is buried near three other children who had likewise passed early on... about five months into the pregnancy. anyway, while we were visiting braden, a woman (barbara) approached us to let us know that she occasionally fixes the tree that we left for braden because it falls over a lot in the wind. naturally, we thanked her and introduced ourselves.

barbara, who has lived in the same house in norwell since she was the age of three, is the grandmother of the three children buried near braden. barbara's husband is also buried there at the cemetery too. for some reason, barbara was having a bad day today. she teared when she told us about her three grandchildren.

whether it was fate or blind luck that we happened to be there at the right time, i think barbara started to feel better after talking with us. i think she just wanted someone to talk to and i'm glad that karen and i were there for her. after all, i imagine it must be difficult when you lose so many family members. heck, i have trouble with the loss of just one.

all in all, it was very nice meeting barbara. i hope her day did get better. as an interesting note, barbara also enlightened us by telling us that one of the people involved with the make-a-wish foundation is also buried near braden. as bizarre as this sounds, i'm glad we chose the right cemetery plot for our son. braden is not only surrounded by friends he can play with, he can also make-a-wish at any time. neat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally am glad you have all this house experience. I have a feeling I am only going to be able to afford a fixer upper, so I will be relying on you for information.