Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Suck At Waitress

last night, karen wanted to watch a chick flick. always one to please, i of course acquiesced to karen's wishes. the movie that we watched: waitress.

now, i suck at waitress. neither karen nor i have seen the movie. i have heard of the movie, but the only thing i heard about the movie was that keri russell (famous for her role as felicity) starred in it. as it turns out, nathan fillion of buffy and serenity fame also appears in the movie. interestingly enough, i think the only thing that karen knew about the movie was that andy griffith appeared in the movie.

according to the back of the dvd, the movie is about the following:
"Jenna (Russell), a small-town waitress with big dreams, has an uncanny gift for baking out-of-this-world pies. Her secret ambition is to win a $25,000 contest, so she can leave her obnoxious husband, open her own pie shop and transform her life. A chance meeting with a handsome newcomer to town just might supply the right ingredients to help Jenna find true happiness."

for some reason, the movie description reminded me of my bff (kerry). i even joked with karen that the movie was about kerry... just without julia stiles (although keri russell would not be a terrible choice to play kerry in the movie)... the whole waitressing thing... and the obnoxious husband thing.

so basically, the only part of the movie description that actually reminded me of kerry was the ambition to own her own pie shop... and even that is not true because kerry would rather bake more than just pies. so maybe the movie description really had nothing to do with kerry...

(the video below is the trailer for waitress.)

regardless, the movie was okay. there were some funny parts, but on a whole the movie was rather predictable. given a choice, i probably would not watch the movie again because it's not my type of movie. nevertheless, it was good to just hang out on the couch and watch a movie with karen.