Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Suck At Egg Salad

today, i indulged in the world of high cholesterol. i ate two egg salad sandwiches. now, i suck at egg salad.

truth be told, i love egg salad. i think i am but a handful of people whom i know who actually enjoys egg salad... my favorite sister-in-law (janine) being one of them. i have not had egg salad in quite some time.

my most memorable egg salad experience happened during a wedding celebration for my friend (jim). jim has relatives in the booneylands of the north... also known as maine. a bunch of my friends and i were invited to celebrate his then upcoming marriage.

maine is a funny place. the celebration took place in what can best be described as an athletic area/night club/function room. when my friends and i arrived, we (and by we i mean karen and my friend, marc) were approached by some random guy who assured us that he was not a terrorist. the random stranger obviously wasn't a terrorist... he was just some eccentric person with a john deere hat that i would guess is commonplace in maine.

speaking of john deere hats, it seemed like everyone at the wedding celebration wore john deere hats. i think my friends and i were a little overdressed for the occasion with our shirt and ties. who knew?

needless to say, it was an interesting night in general. as it turned out, one of the items on the menu at the wedding celebration was egg salad. as i am apt to do, i inhaled the egg salad finger sandwiches. in fact, i devoured mass quantities of egg salad at the party.

sure, it may have seemed like cholesterol bliss in the beginning. the euphoria, however, did not last long as i was absolutely stuffed by night's end. i was so full of egg salad, that i basically passed out... rubbing my tummy in pain. good times. good times.

anyway, i have eaten egg salad since that time. eating the sandwiches today just reminded of that time in maine... fun times.