Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Suck At Stealing A Car

last night was my usual night to drive the two miss daisies (karen and hot amy) home after their long hard day of teaching at simmons college. it was a rather uneventful drive... filled with bumps, potholes, and some country music. for anyone curious, i do not regularly listen to country music. i usually change the radio station to a country music station whenever i pick karen up because i know she enjoys country music.

anyway, karen and hot amy spent much of the ride home talking about hot amy's new boy toy. hot amy's relationship is progressing very nicely as she now wants to do the "meet the friends" thing. for some strange reason, karen is particularly excited to have actually learned the age of hot amy's new man. for anyone curious, hot amy's new man is much closer to hot amy's age than her previous two encounters. in fact, hot amy is no longer bordering on cougar-like status. just kidding.

after dropping hot amy off, karen and i headed to karen's grandmother's house. karen's uncle (richie) and his wife (vicky), as well as her other uncle (billy) and his wife (sandy) have been up to do some things around nana's house in preparation for putting the house on the market. karen's uncles live south of the mason-dixon line... way south... tennessee and georgia respectively.

as richie was leaving thursday morning, he wanted to make sure that he received a copy of all the pictures that karen and her cousin (karlene) have been so diligently scanning for all of the relatives to enjoy. thus, karen and i stopped on by to copy the images from the laptop hard drive onto his flash drive.

when we pulled into nana's driveway, i immediately noticed nana's car. richie had purchased the car and was planning on driving the car back to tennessee. unfortunately, his plans had slightly changed whereby he was taking a lot more than just the car back to tennesee. so, he had rented a truck in addition to the car to drive back down to tennessee. sure, it's a convoluted story.

anyway, a couple of days ago, a bunch of us had planned on stealing nana's car as a joke. the entire joke stemmed from an incident... ages ago... that involved richie and bikes belonging to karlene and my favorite sister-in-law (janine). long story short, richie hid the bikes to teach karlene and janine a lesson. well, needless to say, with the rental truck, nana's car was apparently hitched to the truck. only the rear tires of the car were on the ground.

now, i suck at stealing a car. i have never stolen a car, but i would imagine stealing the car off of the hitch would have been quite difficult, quite time consuming, and very noticeably loud. for anyone curious, i would like to learn how to steal a car for no reason other than just knowing how to do so. television makes the act look so easy... from shimmying a little bar through the door mechanism... to pulling out a couple of wires underneath the steering column.

anyway, we never did end up stealing the car as a joke. instead, karen and i simply hung out with her uncles, aunt sandy, and vicky for a little while. karen transferred the scanned images as requested, while i polished off the remaining pizza that they had ordered for dinner... not bad for simply stopping by. but all in all, it was good. (i still want to learn how to steal a car. perhaps youtube will have a video.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is one of our tasks going to be "get picture of team hot wiring car"?