Monday, March 16, 2009

I Still Suck At Nana's

following my spring roll cooking lesson yesterday, my mom and i went to visit my aunt in quincy. a couple of years ago, my aunt was in a freak accident where she was hit by a mbta bus at quincy center station. my aunt thankfully survived, but she lost one of her legs in the accident.

since that time, she has gone to physical therapy and is now confined to a wheelchair. she appears to be doing fine. in fact, just last month she, along with my uncle, moved into a senior citizens home across from the cvs in quincy. my mom told me that she had asked about me, which consequently led to my visit.

it was probably a good thing that my mom and i visited my aunt when we did. when we arrived, both of us could smell smoke in the hallway. i thought it was a neighbor, until my aunt opened the door. she didn't realize that the food she made was burning on the stove. my aunt was boiling potatoes and didn't realize that all of the water had evaporated. needless to say, my mom quickly threw the pot in the sink.

anyway, it was an interesting visit to say the least. my aunt... can't speak a lick of english. every time i see her, she always asks me the same question... which translates to "can you understand what we're saying?" i always respond with the same answer: a little. this happens repeatedly... every time i see her.

regardless, my aunt is doing well. following the visit, i went to pick up karen and her nana's in quincy. karen, her cousin (karlene) and karlene's husband (tommy) were at nana's scanning yet more pictures from nana's photo albums. now, i still suck at nana's. i wasn't even going to write about my visit to nana's yesterday, but it was just too good to pass up.

while karen and karlene were going through old pictures, karlene came upon a box with old christmas cards. the christmas cards were home made, created by members of the family. anyway, karlene was flipping through each card... opening them and reading them aloud at the table where the four of us were seated.

there was one christmas card in particular that simply left us in stitches. i am afraid i don't remember all the particular details of the card. if i did, the card would seemingly make more sense. the card had simply listed a bunch of items for christmas. karlene simply read each item aloud... and then the last item... 26 ejaculations... or something like that.

naturally, i started cracking up... because i have the mentality of a two year old. the expressions on everyone's face was classic. karlene then went through another card... and there it was again... ejaculations! my laughter grew louder and louder.

i can only imagine someone wanting 26 ejaculations in today's world. while i was dying from laughter, tommy decided to look up the word in nana's 1952 dictionary. the word as it was intended to mean in 1952 was a sudden short exclamation... to which... i snickered and said... like "oh god! oh god! oh god!" (snicker. snicker.)

anyway, the whole thing was classic. it was a great way to end the day. it still cracks me up thinking about it. the next christmas card i send out... i'm going to mention ejaculations. just kidding.