Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Suck At Not Your Average Joe's

following my chauffeuring gig last night, karen and i went out on a little date. karen seemed thrilled to be going out for dinner. it was rather cute.

when i was driving her and hot amy home after their teaching at simmons college, i told hot amy that there was a sandwich for her. karen then wondered where her sandwich was... to which i reminded her that we were going out for dinner... and then she got all excited. (it's the little things that make her happy.)

anyway, since karen and i have started trying to budget our expenses during this economy and eat out less, we really have not gone out for dinner in quite some time with just the two of us. at least... not to my knowledge. so, we decided to go out last night. the place we decided to go out to: not your average joe's in norwell.

now, i suck at not your average joe's. i'm definitely a big fan of that place. interestingly enough, the place was empty last night. at one time, karen and i were one of two parties sitting in the dining area. very sad.

as usual, the food was delicious. i had the shrimp and artichoke pizza which was a special not listed on the menu. (cue rachael ray's "yum-o" sound.) the pizza was delicious. it's a shame how some of my friends have food issues because they definitely miss out on a lot of great tasting stuff. after all, who would have thought that shrimp and artichoke on a pizza would be good (aside from not your average joe's)?

anyway, it was a great dinner. karen and i actually spent most of the dinner talking about the upcoming scavenger hunt that i'm organizing. i was bouncing ideas off of her to see what she thought... like a sounding board. it's a funny thing about organizing events. for me, i just want people to enjoy themselves and have fun. and the more and more i think about the upcoming scavenger hunt, the more and more i get excited for it.

unfortunately, what generally happens in large social situations is that you can never appease everyone... and everyone generally has their own ideas about things. this year, one of the dilemmas i am encountering involves the creation of the teams for the hunt.

like most people, karen and i have various circles of friends. intermingling of friends can always be difficult because you can never fully gauge how your friends will interact within other circles because of the uncomfortable social setting. people react differently when in a foreign situation. thus, people gravitate toward things that are more familiar to be at ease.

all i want is for my friends to enjoy the event. sadly, i have concerns that my original plan of creating teams based on a random drawing may not produce an enjoyable experience for everyone, which subsequently produces undue stress... something that i definitely can live without.

anyway, i'm not certain yet on what to do about the creation of teams. right now i am thinking that it would be so much easier if my friends made the teams themselves and let me know who is on which team. it would definitely be one less thing to worry about and consider.

i guess we'll see what i decide upon. i still have a month of planning left.


Anonymous said...

I have been trying to try more foods lately. I like shirmp, but not artichokes and quite truthfully, I am not sure I would shrimp on my pizza. I feel like some things really don't just go together.

Kerry said...

I am not ready to defend my eating habits at this point (if ever :)... but I do have an opinion on forming the teams. I think random is the way to go... everybody knows each other and it could be even more fun if it's with somebody that you don't see all the time. Also, the variety might make achieving some of the tasks easier - pulling from different knowledge pools... just my $.02

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, random is probably the best/easiest way to go.