Monday, May 4, 2009

I Suck At Wolverine

saturday was quite the movie day.

following an afternoon of watching the hannah montana movie with our niece (kaleigh), karen and i went out to the theaters again to watch another movie with my friends (marc and kelley).

the movie: x-men origins: wolverine. now i suck at wolverine. i'll admit it. i read a lot of comic books growing up. the whole fantasy world of good versus evil may have warped my impressionable mind a little during my informative childhood years.

i remember growing up... wolverine was always a big fan favorite. for anyone curious, wolverine has the superpower of heightened senses (smell) and the ability to heal really quickly. and, it just so happens that his skeleton is bonded with a super duper indestructible metal alloy, fictitiously known as adamantium. oh... and his big draw... claws. kids dig the claws.

anyway, i was never a big fan of wolverine growing up. i stuck with rooting for the less popular superheroes of the marvel universe... like hawkeye... the average dude who just happens to be good shooting a bow and arrow. i doubt they'll ever make a hawkeye movie... which is probably just as well.

(the video below is the trailer for wolverine.)

needless to say, the movie was all right. for a summer blockbuster, i may have been expecting more. but if you want to see a naked hugh jackman (who is the actor that plays wolverine)... then this is your movie. okay, so maybe you don't really get to see all of hugh jackman's manhood...

for those who are expecting to see some ryan reynolds though, you may be disappointed. ryan reynolds plays wade wilson (not the former nfl quarterback) turned into mutant hodgepodge "deadpool". even though ryan reynolds seems to enjoy showing off his body... which i suppose with a body like his, who wouldn't?... fans don't get to see him shirtless until the end. (i have been told that ryan reynolds is marc's man-crush.)

all in all, the movie was ok. again, i think i was expecting more for a summer blockbuster. the movie was by no means awful... and i've seen awful. i think my expectations were just a little too high for the fan favorite superhero movie.

this almost reminded me of the time when i saw "wedding crashers". i had heard all the hype about how awesome and funny "wedding crashers" was... and then when i watched it... i was somewhat disappointed. don't get me wrong, "wedding crashers" was funny and it had its moments. on a whole, "wedding crashers" was a good movie... but i wouldn't call it awesome. i almost feel like wolverine was the same way: too much hype to live up to.

anyway, i had a good time with marc and kelley as usual. we were lucky enough to catch an episode of angel and buffy the vampire slayer as well before the movie. the episodes were respectively: "somnambulist" about a serial killer sired by angel and "a new man" about giles being turned into a demon by his old friend, ethan rayne.

so needless to say, it definitely made it a good time.

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