Friday, May 8, 2009

I Suck At Lost

last night, karen and i hung out with our friends (marc and kelley). after all, it was our usual night to watch the latest episode of lost... as well as watch some more episodes of televisions greatest show: buffy the vampire slayer.

too bad i suck lost. i do, however, still think lost is the best show currently on the air. without revealing anything, i'll just say the episode of lost was good. i can't wait for the season finale next week. truth be told, i don't know what the four of us will do until the next season of lost... except watch more buffy/angel, i suppose.

in addition to watching lost, we ordered food from the schoolhouse pizza located in quincy. karen and i ordered "mailman dan's special delivery". aside from the pornographic sounding name, "mailman dan's special delivery is a specialty pizza with panko crusted chicken and mozzarella. needless to say, the pizza was delicious. (cue rachael ray's "yum-o" sound.) (i suppose you can also cue the cheesy pornographic music too... although porn and rachael ray do not mix... at least not in my mind.)

following lost, we watched a couple of episodes of buffy the vampire slayer. the episodes were: "the i in team", about buffy's brief stint with the initiative; and "goodbye iowa", about riley and his withdrawal from the drugs supplied to him by the government... all the while the nemesis adam is loose.

it's too bad we could not make it to the episode afterwards. the episode afterwards features the one and only: faith. knowing karen's dislike for the faith character... it's probably best that we didn't.

anyway, it was another good night as usual. the food was great. kelley's baked goods were great. marc got accepted to the masters program at boston university... which was great. lost and buffy were fantastic. so, it was a good night all around.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I am surprised you haven't commented on the different font sizes and colors on the schoolhouse pizza links. Definitely not visually appealing.