Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Suck At Whiteout

Karen had to work late Monday night. So while I waited for her at the train station, I decided to read the graphic novel, Whiteout. Now, I suck at Whiteout.

I was curious about the graphic novel after watching the movie (based on the comic book) not too long ago. And truth be told, the movie was not exactly the greatest movie I have ever seen, but it was enjoyable. So needless to say, I decided to check out the graphic novel.

The graphic novel by Greg Rucka follows the fictitious U.S. Marshall, Carrie Stetko, as she tries to solve a series of murders in Antarctica. Although the basic plot was similar, the movie version of the comic book did take some creative liberties, especially since the movie had a character that was not even in the comic book.

For anyone curious, the movie had a male character named Robert Pryce, a U.N. operative, also helping to solve the series of murders. In the comic book, the he... is a she... and her name is Lily Sharpe. Although interestingly enough, according to the comic book, one of the reasons why Stetko is in Antarctica is because of a murderer named Price. (The murderer tried to kill Stetko, but she killed him instead... resulting in a suspension... which shortly happened before her husband passed away from cancer before their first anniversary. Yes, there's surprisingly a lot of detail that can be gleaned from a comic book.)

But all in all, the graphic novel was a very fast read. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to read through it while waiting for Karen. Of course, I did not finish the entire graphic novel before Karen arrived. I continued reading the comic book after picking her up at the train station... which also included a brief rendezvous at our seemingly favorite restaurant in Norwell, Not Your Average Joe's.

For anyone curious, Not Your Average Joe's does not appear to be having $10 entrees on Monday and Tuesday anymore. That was very sad news. The food, however, is still delicious. I had the Waldorf salad. (Cue Rachael Ray's "Yum-O" sound.) And apparently, it turns out that we are starting to become recognizable regulars.

Our waitperson immediately recognized us and gave us a "passport" which is another promotion the company is currently doing. Apparently, you get a "passport" and a stamp for every entree ordered. If you total 4 entrees by the end of March, you get a gift card for $15. Essentially, it is comparable to a buy 4 get 1 free deal, which for Karen and I may make sense since we visit there a lot.

Anyway, it was a good night on Monday.