Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Suck At The Mall At Chestnut Hill

This past Saturday, Karen, my twenty two month old daughter (Briana), and I had plans with Karen's Lowell-loving cousin (Karlene) and Karlene's husband (Tommy). After all, there is a lot to love about Lowell... or so they will have you believe.

Instead of actually having us drive all the way to Lowell, or vice versa for Karlene and Tommy to drive all the way to Norwell, Karen threw out the idea of meeting somewhere halfway in between. Apparently, the neutral ground of Switzerland was the city of Needham.

So for lunch, we met Karlene and Tommy at Acapulcos for some mexican food. As a side note, it turns out that the Mighty Subs located across the street from Acapulcos is highly recommended as well. I will have to remember that for the next time, except that Mighty Subs is not open on the weekends... or open after 4pm during the week.

Anyway, lunch was good. For anyone curious, I had the Asado burrito. Yum. It was good to see Karlene and Tommy. While thinking of ways to become a millionaire over lunch, I got to hear about Karlene's app idea. It was an interesting idea. I wonder if her idea already exists though. As well, I learned that Karlene and Tommy are currently into the show, "Alcatraz". I'll admit, it's a good show... and not just because there is a blonde in it.

Following lunch, we decided to see what was around the might city of Needham. Turns out... not much. We took a brief tour around the T. J. Maxx, which was in nearby Newton. It was the first time I heard Briana mention the word "run", and she actually ran... all throughout the store. I guess she wanted to get the max for the minimum. On the way to the store, I did get a kick out of Tommy's reaction to our heated car seat. He was a little surprised by the heat on his backside, which I can imagine would be cause for alarm.

As we explored around, we decided to go to the Mall at Chestnut Hill, also located in Newton. Now, I suck at the Mall at Chestnut Hill. I have never been there. And after Saturday's visit, I understand why. It's not that the mall is terrible or anything. The mall is very nice. There just aren't any stores at that mall that would entice me to go there. As a side note, there did not seem to be many young whipper snappers there at all either. It was peculiar.

All in all, it was good to spend the day with Karlene and Tommy. Briana equally enjoyed it as well, in part because she got to meet the celebrity from her "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" book by Bill Martin, Jr. Within the book, there is a picture of a teacher, whom I tell Briana is Karlene. And of course, ever since Saturday, Briana has been asking to call Tommy on the phone too.